Updated README.md

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jackton1 2021-09-20 17:31:07 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent d2c883f007
commit 6508dcdec4

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## branch-names
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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Get branch or tag information without the `/ref/*` prefix
* Retrieve the current tag with an option to strip the "v" prefix (e.g. `'refs/tags/v1.0.0'` -> `'v1.0.0'` OR `'1.0.0'`)
* Detect actions triggered by non default branches
* Detect actions triggered by the default branch
* Supports all valid [git branch names](https://wincent.com/wiki/Legal_Git_branch_names)
* Supports all valid [git branch names](https://wincent.com/wiki/Legal\_Git\_branch\_names)
## Usage
@ -56,19 +56,19 @@ on:
| Output | type | Example | Description |
| is_default | `boolean` | `true` *OR* `false` | Detects wheter the workflow is running on a default branch |
| is_tag | `boolean` | `true` *OR* `false` | Detects wheter the workflow is running on a tag branch |
| current_branch | `string` | `main` *OR* `feature/test` | Always returns a valid branch name for a triggered workflow run. |
| base_ref_branch | `string` | `main` | The target branch of a pull request |
| head_ref_branch | `string` | `feature/test` | The source branch of a pull request |
| ref_branch | `string` | `1/merge` *OR* `main` | The branch that triggered the workflow run |
| is\_default | `boolean` | `true` *OR* `false` | Detects wheter the workflow is running on a default branch |
| is\_tag | `boolean` | `true` *OR* `false` | Detects wheter the workflow is running on a tag branch |
| current\_branch | `string` | `main` *OR* `feature/test` | Always returns a valid branch name for a triggered workflow run. |
| base\_ref\_branch | `string` | `main` | The target branch of a pull request |
| head\_ref\_branch | `string` | `feature/test` | The source branch of a pull request |
| ref\_branch | `string` | `1/merge` *OR* `main` | The branch that triggered the workflow run |
| tag | `string` | `v0.0.1` *OR* `0.0.1` | The tag that triggered the workflow run |
## Inputs
| Input | type | default | Description |
| strip_tag_prefix | `string` | `''` | The tag prefix to strip <br> *i.e `v0.0.1` -> `v` -> `0.0.1`* |
| strip\_tag\_prefix | `string` | `''` | The tag prefix to strip <br> *i.e `v0.0.1` -> `v` -> `0.0.1`* |
## Events