# Change String Case GitHub Action This action accepts any string, and outputs three different versions of that string: - lowercase (`XyZzY` -> `xyzzy`) - uppercase (`XyZzY` -> `XYZZY`) - capitalized (`Xyzzy` -> `Xyzzy`) You can access the outputted strings through the job outputs context. See docs [here](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#jobsjobs_idoutputs), or the Example Usage section below. ## Inputs ### `string` **Required** The string you want manipulated ## Outputs ### `lowercase` `inputStr.toLowerCase()` Example: `XyZzY` -> `xyzzy` ### `uppercase` `inputStr.toUpperCase()` Example: `XyZzY` -> `XYZZY` ### `capitalized` `inputStr.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + inputStr.slice(1).toLowerCase()` Example: `XyZzY` -> `Xyzzy` ## Example Usage ```yaml name: SomeWorkflow on: [push] jobs: build: name: Build runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - id: string uses: ASzc/change-string-case-action@v5 with: string: XyZzY - id: step2 run: echo ${{ steps.string.outputs.lowercase }} ```