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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR // CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, // EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY // OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Copyright (c) 2008-2023 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2004-2008 AGEIA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2001-2004 NovodeX AG. All rights reserved. #pragma once /** \addtogroup vehicle2 @{ */ #include "foundation/PxFoundation.h" #include "vehicle2/PxVehicleLimits.h" #include "vehicle2/PxVehicleParams.h" #if !PX_DOXYGEN namespace physx { namespace vehicle2 { #endif /** \brief Each command value may be associated with a table specifying a normalized response as a function of longitudinal speed. Multiple instances of PxVehicleCommandValueResponseTable allow a normalized response to be authored as a multi-variate piecewise polynomial with normalized command response expressed as a nonlinear function of command value and speed. */ struct PxVehicleCommandValueResponseTable { enum Enum { eMAX_NB_SPEED_RESPONSES = 64 }; /** \brief The command value associated with the table of speed responses. */ PxReal commandValue; /** \brief A lookup table specifying the normalised response to the specified command value as a function of longitudinal speed. \note Each entry in the speedResponses table must be of the form (speed, normalizedResponse). \note The longitudinal speeds in the table must form a monotonically increasing series. \note The normalized responses must be in range (0,1). */ PxVehicleFixedSizeLookupTable speedResponses; }; /** \note Brake, drive and steer response typically reduce at increased longitudinal speed. Moreover, response to a brake, throttle or steer command is typically nonlinear and may be subject to dead zones where response is constant with either zero or non-zero response. PxVehicleCommandNonLinearResponseParams allows command responses to be authored as multi-variate piecewise polynomials with normalized command response a function of command value and longitudinal speed. */ class PxVehicleCommandNonLinearResponseParams { public: enum Enum { eMAX_NB_COMMAND_VALUES = 8 }; PxVehicleCommandNonLinearResponseParams() : nbSpeedResponses(0), nbCommandValues(0) { } void clear() { nbCommandValues = 0; nbSpeedResponses = 0; } /** \brief Add a table of normalised response vs speed and associated it with a specified command value. \note commandValueSpeedResponses must be authored as a series of monotonically increasing series of speeds with form {speed, normalizedResponse} \note The responses added must form a series of monotonically increasing commands. */ bool addResponse(const PxVehicleCommandValueResponseTable& commandValueSpeedResponses) { const PxReal commandValue = commandValueSpeedResponses.commandValue; const PxReal* speeds = commandValueSpeedResponses.speedResponses.xVals; const PxReal* responses = commandValueSpeedResponses.speedResponses.yVals; const PxU16 nb = PxU16(commandValueSpeedResponses.speedResponses.nbDataPairs); PX_CHECK_AND_RETURN_VAL(commandValue >= 0.0f && commandValue <= 1.0f, "PxVehicleCommandAndResponseTable::commandValue must be in range (0,1)", false); PX_CHECK_AND_RETURN_VAL(nbCommandValues < eMAX_NB_COMMAND_VALUES, "PxVehicleNonLinearCommandResponse::addResponse - exceeded maximum number of command responses", false); PX_CHECK_AND_RETURN_VAL(((nbSpeedResponses + nb) <= PxVehicleCommandValueResponseTable::eMAX_NB_SPEED_RESPONSES), "PxVehicleNonLinearCommandResponse::addResponse - exceeded maximum number of command responses", false); PX_CHECK_AND_RETURN_VAL((0 == nbCommandValues) || (commandValue > commandValues[nbCommandValues - 1]), "PxVehicleNonLinearCommandResponse::addResponse - command must be part of a a monotonically increasing series", false); PX_CHECK_AND_RETURN_VAL(nb > 0, "PxVehicleNonLinearCommandResponse::addResponse - each command response must have at least 1 point", false); #if PX_CHECKED for (PxU32 i = 1; i < nb; i++) { PX_CHECK_AND_RETURN_VAL(speeds[i] > speeds[i - 1], "PxVehicleNonLinearCommandResponse::addResponse - speeds array must be a monotonically increasing series", false); PX_CHECK_AND_RETURN_VAL(responses[i] >= 0.0f && responses[i] <= 1.0f , "PxVehicleNonLinearCommandResponse::addResponse - response must be in range (0,1)", false); } #endif commandValues[nbCommandValues] = commandValue; nbSpeedRenponsesPerCommandValue[nbCommandValues] = nb; speedResponsesPerCommandValue[nbCommandValues] = nbSpeedResponses; PxMemCopy(speedResponses + 2 * nbSpeedResponses, speeds, sizeof(PxReal)*nb); PxMemCopy(speedResponses + 2 * nbSpeedResponses + nb, responses, sizeof(PxReal)*nb); nbCommandValues++; nbSpeedResponses += nb; return true; } public: /** \brief A ragged array of speeds and normalized responses. */ PxReal speedResponses[PxVehicleCommandValueResponseTable::eMAX_NB_SPEED_RESPONSES * 2]; /** \brief The number of speeds and normalized responses. */ PxU16 nbSpeedResponses; /** \brief The table of speed responses for the ith command value begins at speedResponses[2*speedResponsesPerCommandValue[i]] */ PxU16 speedResponsesPerCommandValue[eMAX_NB_COMMAND_VALUES]; /** \brief The ith command value has N speed responses with N = nbSpeedRenponsesPerCommandValue[i]. */ PxU16 nbSpeedRenponsesPerCommandValue[eMAX_NB_COMMAND_VALUES]; /** \brief The command values. */ PxReal commandValues[eMAX_NB_COMMAND_VALUES]; /** \brief The number of command values. */ PxU16 nbCommandValues; }; /** \brief A description of the per wheel response to an input command. */ struct PxVehicleCommandResponseParams { /** \brief A nonlinear response to command value expressed as a lookup table of normalized response as a function of command value and longitudinal speed. \note The effect of the default state of nonlinearResponse is a linear response to command value that is independent of longitudinal speed. */ PxVehicleCommandNonLinearResponseParams nonlinearResponse; /** \brief A description of the per wheel response multiplier to an input command. */ PxReal wheelResponseMultipliers[PxVehicleLimits::eMAX_NB_WHEELS]; /** \brief The maximum response that occurs when the wheel response multiplier has value 1.0 and nonlinearResponse is in the default state of linear response. */ PxF32 maxResponse; }; #if !PX_DOXYGEN } // namespace vehicle2 } // namespace physx #endif /** @} */