// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of NVIDIA CORPORATION nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ''AS IS'' AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR // CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, // EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY // OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Copyright (c) 2008-2023 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2004-2008 AGEIA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2001-2004 NovodeX AG. All rights reserved. #ifndef PX_CONSTRAINT_DESC_H #define PX_CONSTRAINT_DESC_H /** \addtogroup physics @{ */ #include "PxPhysXConfig.h" #include "foundation/PxFlags.h" #include "foundation/PxVec3.h" #include "common/PxBase.h" #if !PX_DOXYGEN namespace physx { namespace pvdsdk { #endif class PvdDataStream; #if !PX_DOXYGEN }} #endif #if !PX_DOXYGEN namespace physx { #endif /** \brief Constraint row flags These flags configure the post-processing of constraint rows and the behavior of the solver while solving constraints */ struct Px1DConstraintFlag { PX_CUDA_CALLABLE Px1DConstraintFlag(){} enum Type { eSPRING = 1<<0, //!< whether the constraint is a spring. Mutually exclusive with eRESTITUTION. If set, eKEEPBIAS is ignored. eACCELERATION_SPRING = 1<<1, //!< whether the constraint is a force or acceleration spring. Only valid if eSPRING is set. eRESTITUTION = 1<<2, //!< whether the restitution model should be applied to generate the target velocity. Mutually exclusive with eSPRING. If restitution causes a bounces, eKEEPBIAS is ignored eKEEPBIAS = 1<<3, //!< whether to keep the error term when solving for velocity. Ignored if restitution generates bounce, or eSPRING is set. eOUTPUT_FORCE = 1<<4, //!< whether to accumulate the force value from this constraint in the force total that is reported for the constraint and tested for breakage eHAS_DRIVE_LIMIT = 1<<5, //!< whether the constraint has a drive force limit (which will be scaled by dt unless PxConstraintFlag::eLIMITS_ARE_FORCES is set) eANGULAR_CONSTRAINT = 1<<6, //!< whether this is an angular or linear constraint eDRIVE_ROW = 1<<7 //!< whether the constraint's geometric error should drive the target velocity }; }; typedef PxFlags Px1DConstraintFlags; PX_FLAGS_OPERATORS(Px1DConstraintFlag::Type, PxU16) /** \brief Constraint type hints which the solver uses to optimize constraint handling */ struct PxConstraintSolveHint { enum Enum { eNONE = 0, //!< no special properties eACCELERATION1 = 256, //!< a group of acceleration drive constraints with the same stiffness and drive parameters eSLERP_SPRING = 258, //!< temporary special value to identify SLERP drive rows eACCELERATION2 = 512, //!< a group of acceleration drive constraints with the same stiffness and drive parameters eACCELERATION3 = 768, //!< a group of acceleration drive constraints with the same stiffness and drive parameters eROTATIONAL_EQUALITY = 1024, //!< rotational equality constraints with no force limit and no velocity target eROTATIONAL_INEQUALITY = 1025, //!< rotational inequality constraints with (0, PX_MAX_FLT) force limits eEQUALITY = 2048, //!< equality constraints with no force limit and no velocity target eINEQUALITY = 2049 //!< inequality constraints with (0, PX_MAX_FLT) force limits }; }; /** \brief A one-dimensional constraint A constraint is expressed as a set of 1-dimensional constraint rows which define the required constraint on the objects' velocities. Each constraint is either a hard constraint or a spring. We define the velocity at the constraint to be the quantity v = body0vel.dot(lin0,ang0) - body1vel.dot(lin1, ang1) For a hard constraint, the solver attempts to generate 1. a set of velocities for the objects which, when integrated, respect the constraint errors: v + (geometricError / timestep) = velocityTarget 2. a set of velocities for the objects which respect the constraints: v = velocityTarget Hard constraints support restitution: if the impact velocity exceeds the bounce threshold, then the target velocity of the constraint will be set to restitution * -v Alternatively, the solver can attempt to resolve the velocity constraint as an implicit spring: F = stiffness * -geometricError + damping * (velocityTarget - v) where F is the constraint force or acceleration. Springs are fully implicit: that is, the force or acceleration is a function of the position and velocity after the solve. All constraints support limits on the minimum or maximum impulse applied. */ PX_ALIGN_PREFIX(16) struct Px1DConstraint { PxVec3 linear0; //!< linear component of velocity jacobian in world space PxReal geometricError; //!< geometric error of the constraint along this axis PxVec3 angular0; //!< angular component of velocity jacobian in world space PxReal velocityTarget; //!< velocity target for the constraint along this axis PxVec3 linear1; //!< linear component of velocity jacobian in world space PxReal minImpulse; //!< minimum impulse the solver may apply to enforce this constraint PxVec3 angular1; //!< angular component of velocity jacobian in world space PxReal maxImpulse; //!< maximum impulse the solver may apply to enforce this constraint union { struct SpringModifiers { PxReal stiffness; //!< spring parameter, for spring constraints PxReal damping; //!< damping parameter, for spring constraints } spring; struct RestitutionModifiers { PxReal restitution; //!< restitution parameter for determining additional "bounce" PxReal velocityThreshold; //!< minimum impact velocity for bounce } bounce; } mods; PxReal forInternalUse; //!< for internal use only PxU16 flags; //!< a set of Px1DConstraintFlags PxU16 solveHint; //!< constraint optimization hint, should be an element of PxConstraintSolveHint } PX_ALIGN_SUFFIX(16); /** \brief Flags for determining which components of the constraint should be visualized. @see PxConstraintVisualize */ struct PxConstraintVisualizationFlag { enum Enum { eLOCAL_FRAMES = 1, //!< visualize constraint frames eLIMITS = 2 //!< visualize constraint limits }; }; /** \brief Struct for specifying mass scaling for a pair of rigids */ PX_ALIGN_PREFIX(16) struct PxConstraintInvMassScale { PxReal linear0; //!< multiplier for inverse mass of body0 PxReal angular0; //!< multiplier for inverse MoI of body0 PxReal linear1; //!< multiplier for inverse mass of body1 PxReal angular1; //!< multiplier for inverse MoI of body1 PX_CUDA_CALLABLE PX_FORCE_INLINE PxConstraintInvMassScale(){} PX_CUDA_CALLABLE PX_FORCE_INLINE PxConstraintInvMassScale(PxReal lin0, PxReal ang0, PxReal lin1, PxReal ang1) : linear0(lin0), angular0(ang0), linear1(lin1), angular1(ang1){} } PX_ALIGN_SUFFIX(16); /** \brief Solver constraint generation shader This function is called by the constraint solver framework. The function must be reentrant, since it may be called simultaneously from multiple threads, and should access only the arguments passed into it. Developers writing custom constraints are encouraged to read the documentation in the user guide and the implementation code in PhysXExtensions. \param[out] constraints An array of solver constraint rows to be filled in \param[out] bodyAWorldOffset The origin point (offset from the position vector of bodyA's center of mass) at which the constraint is resolved. This value does not affect how constraints are solved, only the constraint force reported. \param[in] maxConstraints The size of the constraint buffer. At most this many constraints rows may be written \param[out] invMassScale The inverse mass and inertia scales for the constraint \param[in] constantBlock The constant data block \param[in] bodyAToWorld The center of mass frame of the first constrained body (the identity transform if the first actor is static, or if a NULL actor pointer was provided for it) \param[in] bodyBToWorld The center of mass frame of the second constrained body (the identity transform if the second actor is static, or if a NULL actor pointer was provided for it) \param[in] useExtendedLimits Enables limit ranges outside of (-PI, PI) \param[out] cAtW The world space location of body A's joint frame (position only) \param[out] cBtW The world space location of body B's joint frame (position only) \return the number of constraint rows written. */ typedef PxU32 (*PxConstraintSolverPrep)(Px1DConstraint* constraints, PxVec3p& bodyAWorldOffset, PxU32 maxConstraints, PxConstraintInvMassScale& invMassScale, const void* constantBlock, const PxTransform& bodyAToWorld, const PxTransform& bodyBToWorld, bool useExtendedLimits, PxVec3p& cAtW, PxVec3p& cBtW); /** \brief API used to visualize details about a constraint. */ class PxConstraintVisualizer { protected: virtual ~PxConstraintVisualizer(){} public: /** \brief Visualize joint frames \param[in] parent Parent transformation \param[in] child Child transformation */ virtual void visualizeJointFrames(const PxTransform& parent, const PxTransform& child) = 0; /** \brief Visualize joint linear limit \param[in] t0 Base transformation \param[in] t1 End transformation \param[in] value Distance */ virtual void visualizeLinearLimit(const PxTransform& t0, const PxTransform& t1, PxReal value) = 0; /** \brief Visualize joint angular limit \param[in] t0 Transformation for the visualization \param[in] lower Lower limit angle \param[in] upper Upper limit angle */ virtual void visualizeAngularLimit(const PxTransform& t0, PxReal lower, PxReal upper) = 0; /** \brief Visualize limit cone \param[in] t Transformation for the visualization \param[in] tanQSwingY Tangent of the quarter Y angle \param[in] tanQSwingZ Tangent of the quarter Z angle */ virtual void visualizeLimitCone(const PxTransform& t, PxReal tanQSwingY, PxReal tanQSwingZ) = 0; /** \brief Visualize joint double cone \param[in] t Transformation for the visualization \param[in] angle Limit angle */ virtual void visualizeDoubleCone(const PxTransform& t, PxReal angle) = 0; /** \brief Visualize line \param[in] p0 Start position \param[in] p1 End postion \param[in] color Color */ virtual void visualizeLine(const PxVec3& p0, const PxVec3& p1, PxU32 color) = 0; }; /** \brief Solver constraint visualization function This function is called by the constraint post-solver framework to visualize the constraint \param[out] visualizer The render buffer to render to \param[in] constantBlock The constant data block \param[in] body0Transform The center of mass frame of the first constrained body (the identity if the actor is static, or a NULL pointer was provided for it) \param[in] body1Transform The center of mass frame of the second constrained body (the identity if the actor is static, or a NULL pointer was provided for it) \param[in] flags The visualization flags (PxConstraintVisualizationFlag) @see PxRenderBuffer */ typedef void (*PxConstraintVisualize)(PxConstraintVisualizer& visualizer, const void* constantBlock, const PxTransform& body0Transform, const PxTransform& body1Transform, PxU32 flags); /** \brief Flags for determining how PVD should serialize a constraint update @see PxConstraintConnector::updatePvdProperties, PvdSceneClient::updateConstraint */ struct PxPvdUpdateType { enum Enum { CREATE_INSTANCE, //!< triggers createPvdInstance call, creates an instance of a constraint RELEASE_INSTANCE, //!< triggers releasePvdInstance call, releases an instance of a constraint UPDATE_ALL_PROPERTIES, //!< triggers updatePvdProperties call, updates all properties of a constraint UPDATE_SIM_PROPERTIES //!< triggers simUpdate call, updates all simulation properties of a constraint }; }; /** \brief This class connects a custom constraint to the SDK This class connects a custom constraint to the SDK, and functions are called by the SDK to query the custom implementation for specific information to pass on to the application or inform the constraint when the application makes calls into the SDK which will update the custom constraint's internal implementation */ class PxConstraintConnector { public: /** \brief Pre-simulation data preparation when the constraint is marked dirty, this function is called at the start of the simulation step for the SDK to copy the constraint data block. */ virtual void* prepareData() = 0; /** \brief this function is called by the SDK to update PVD's view of it */ virtual bool updatePvdProperties(physx::pvdsdk::PvdDataStream& pvdConnection, const PxConstraint* c, PxPvdUpdateType::Enum updateType) const = 0; /** \brief this function is called by the SDK to update OmniPVD's view of it */ virtual void updateOmniPvdProperties() const = 0; /** \brief Constraint release callback When the SDK deletes a PxConstraint object this function is called by the SDK. In general custom constraints should not be deleted directly by applications: rather, the constraint should respond to a release() request by calling PxConstraint::release(), then wait for this call to release its own resources. This function is also called when a PxConstraint object is deleted on cleanup due to destruction of the PxPhysics object. */ virtual void onConstraintRelease() = 0; /** \brief Center-of-mass shift callback This function is called by the SDK when the CoM of one of the actors is moved. Since the API specifies constraint positions relative to actors, and the constraint shader functions are supplied with coordinates relative to bodies, some synchronization is usually required when the application moves an object's center of mass. */ virtual void onComShift(PxU32 actor) = 0; /** \brief Origin shift callback This function is called by the SDK when the scene origin gets shifted and allows to adjust custom data which contains world space transforms. \note If the adjustments affect constraint shader data, it is necessary to call PxConstraint::markDirty() to make sure that the data gets synced at the beginning of the next simulation step. \param[in] shift Translation vector the origin is shifted by. @see PxScene.shiftOrigin() */ virtual void onOriginShift(const PxVec3& shift) = 0; /** \brief Fetches external data for a constraint. This function is used by the SDK to acquire a reference to the owner of a constraint and a unique owner type ID. This information will be passed on when a breakable constraint breaks or when #PxConstraint::getExternalReference() is called. \param[out] typeID Unique type identifier of the external object. The value 0xffffffff is reserved and should not be used. Furthermore, if the PhysX extensions library is used, some other IDs are reserved already (see PxConstraintExtIDs) \return Reference to the external object which owns the constraint. @see PxConstraintInfo PxSimulationEventCallback.onConstraintBreak() */ virtual void* getExternalReference(PxU32& typeID) = 0; /** \brief Obtain a reference to a PxBase interface if the constraint has one. If the constraint does not implement the PxBase interface, it should return NULL. */ virtual PxBase* getSerializable() = 0; /** \brief Obtain the shader function pointer used to prep rows for this constraint */ virtual PxConstraintSolverPrep getPrep() const = 0; /** \brief Obtain the pointer to the constraint's constant data */ virtual const void* getConstantBlock() const = 0; /** \brief Let the connector know it has been connected to a constraint. */ virtual void connectToConstraint(PxConstraint*) {} /** \brief virtual destructor */ virtual ~PxConstraintConnector() {} }; #if !PX_DOXYGEN } // namespace physx #endif /** @} */ #endif