// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of NVIDIA CORPORATION nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ''AS IS'' AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR // CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, // EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY // OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Copyright (c) 2008-2023 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2004-2008 AGEIA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2001-2004 NovodeX AG. All rights reserved. #ifndef PX_HASH_INTERNALS_H #define PX_HASH_INTERNALS_H #include "foundation/PxAllocator.h" #include "foundation/PxBitUtils.h" #include "foundation/PxMathIntrinsics.h" #include "foundation/PxBasicTemplates.h" #include "foundation/PxHash.h" #if PX_VC #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4127) // conditional expression is constant #endif #if !PX_DOXYGEN namespace physx { #endif template class PxHashBase : private PxAllocator { void init(uint32_t initialTableSize, float loadFactor) { mBuffer = NULL; mEntries = NULL; mEntriesNext = NULL; mHash = NULL; mEntriesCapacity = 0; mHashSize = 0; mLoadFactor = loadFactor; mFreeList = uint32_t(EOL); mTimestamp = 0; mEntriesCount = 0; if(initialTableSize) reserveInternal(initialTableSize); } public: typedef Entry EntryType; PxHashBase(uint32_t initialTableSize = 64, float loadFactor = 0.75f) : PxAllocator("hashBase") { init(initialTableSize, loadFactor); } PxHashBase(uint32_t initialTableSize, float loadFactor, const PxAllocator& alloc) : PxAllocator(alloc) { init(initialTableSize, loadFactor); } PxHashBase(const PxAllocator& alloc) : PxAllocator(alloc) { init(64, 0.75f); } ~PxHashBase() { destroy(); // No need to clear() if(mBuffer) PxAllocator::deallocate(mBuffer); } static const uint32_t EOL = 0xffffffff; PX_INLINE Entry* create(const Key& k, bool& exists) { uint32_t h = 0; if(mHashSize) { h = hash(k); uint32_t index = mHash[h]; while(index != EOL && !HashFn().equal(GetKey()(mEntries[index]), k)) index = mEntriesNext[index]; exists = index != EOL; if(exists) return mEntries + index; } else exists = false; if(freeListEmpty()) { grow(); h = hash(k); } uint32_t entryIndex = freeListGetNext(); mEntriesNext[entryIndex] = mHash[h]; mHash[h] = entryIndex; mEntriesCount++; mTimestamp++; return mEntries + entryIndex; } PX_INLINE const Entry* find(const Key& k) const { if(!mEntriesCount) return NULL; const uint32_t h = hash(k); uint32_t index = mHash[h]; while(index != EOL && !HashFn().equal(GetKey()(mEntries[index]), k)) index = mEntriesNext[index]; return index != EOL ? mEntries + index : NULL; } PX_INLINE bool erase(const Key& k, Entry& e) { if(!mEntriesCount) return false; const uint32_t h = hash(k); uint32_t* ptr = mHash + h; while(*ptr != EOL && !HashFn().equal(GetKey()(mEntries[*ptr]), k)) ptr = mEntriesNext + *ptr; if(*ptr == EOL) return false; PX_PLACEMENT_NEW(&e, Entry)(mEntries[*ptr]); return eraseInternal(ptr); } PX_INLINE bool erase(const Key& k) { if(!mEntriesCount) return false; const uint32_t h = hash(k); uint32_t* ptr = mHash + h; while(*ptr != EOL && !HashFn().equal(GetKey()(mEntries[*ptr]), k)) ptr = mEntriesNext + *ptr; if(*ptr == EOL) return false; return eraseInternal(ptr); } PX_INLINE uint32_t size() const { return mEntriesCount; } PX_INLINE uint32_t capacity() const { return mHashSize; } void clear() { if(!mHashSize || mEntriesCount == 0) return; destroy(); intrinsics::memSet(mHash, EOL, mHashSize * sizeof(uint32_t)); const uint32_t sizeMinus1 = mEntriesCapacity - 1; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeMinus1; i++) { PxPrefetchLine(mEntriesNext + i, 128); mEntriesNext[i] = i + 1; } mEntriesNext[mEntriesCapacity - 1] = uint32_t(EOL); mFreeList = 0; mEntriesCount = 0; } void reserve(uint32_t size) { if(size > mHashSize) reserveInternal(size); } PX_INLINE const Entry* getEntries() const { return mEntries; } PX_INLINE Entry* insertUnique(const Key& k) { PX_ASSERT(find(k) == NULL); uint32_t h = hash(k); uint32_t entryIndex = freeListGetNext(); mEntriesNext[entryIndex] = mHash[h]; mHash[h] = entryIndex; mEntriesCount++; mTimestamp++; return mEntries + entryIndex; } private: void destroy() { for(uint32_t i = 0; i < mHashSize; i++) { for(uint32_t j = mHash[i]; j != EOL; j = mEntriesNext[j]) mEntries[j].~Entry(); } } template PX_NOINLINE void copy(const PxHashBase& other); // free list management - if we're coalescing, then we use mFreeList to hold // the top of the free list and it should always be equal to size(). Otherwise, // we build a free list in the next() pointers. PX_INLINE void freeListAdd(uint32_t index) { if(compacting) { mFreeList--; PX_ASSERT(mFreeList == mEntriesCount); } else { mEntriesNext[index] = mFreeList; mFreeList = index; } } PX_INLINE void freeListAdd(uint32_t start, uint32_t end) { if(!compacting) { for(uint32_t i = start; i < end - 1; i++) // add the new entries to the free list mEntriesNext[i] = i + 1; // link in old free list mEntriesNext[end - 1] = mFreeList; PX_ASSERT(mFreeList != end - 1); mFreeList = start; } else if(mFreeList == EOL) // don't reset the free ptr for the compacting hash unless it's empty mFreeList = start; } PX_INLINE uint32_t freeListGetNext() { PX_ASSERT(!freeListEmpty()); if(compacting) { PX_ASSERT(mFreeList == mEntriesCount); return mFreeList++; } else { uint32_t entryIndex = mFreeList; mFreeList = mEntriesNext[mFreeList]; return entryIndex; } } PX_INLINE bool freeListEmpty() const { if(compacting) return mEntriesCount == mEntriesCapacity; else return mFreeList == EOL; } PX_INLINE void replaceWithLast(uint32_t index) { PX_PLACEMENT_NEW(mEntries + index, Entry)(mEntries[mEntriesCount]); mEntries[mEntriesCount].~Entry(); mEntriesNext[index] = mEntriesNext[mEntriesCount]; uint32_t h = hash(GetKey()(mEntries[index])); uint32_t* ptr; for(ptr = mHash + h; *ptr != mEntriesCount; ptr = mEntriesNext + *ptr) PX_ASSERT(*ptr != EOL); *ptr = index; } PX_INLINE uint32_t hash(const Key& k, uint32_t hashSize) const { return HashFn()(k) & (hashSize - 1); } PX_INLINE uint32_t hash(const Key& k) const { return hash(k, mHashSize); } PX_INLINE bool eraseInternal(uint32_t* ptr) { const uint32_t index = *ptr; *ptr = mEntriesNext[index]; mEntries[index].~Entry(); mEntriesCount--; mTimestamp++; if (compacting && index != mEntriesCount) replaceWithLast(index); freeListAdd(index); return true; } PX_NOINLINE void reserveInternal(uint32_t size) { if(!PxIsPowerOfTwo(size)) size = PxNextPowerOfTwo(size); PX_ASSERT(!(size & (size - 1))); // decide whether iteration can be done on the entries directly bool resizeCompact = compacting || freeListEmpty(); // define new table sizes uint32_t oldEntriesCapacity = mEntriesCapacity; uint32_t newEntriesCapacity = uint32_t(float(size) * mLoadFactor); uint32_t newHashSize = size; // allocate new common buffer and setup pointers to new tables uint8_t* newBuffer; uint32_t* newHash; uint32_t* newEntriesNext; Entry* newEntries; { uint32_t newHashByteOffset = 0; uint32_t newEntriesNextBytesOffset = newHashByteOffset + newHashSize * sizeof(uint32_t); uint32_t newEntriesByteOffset = newEntriesNextBytesOffset + newEntriesCapacity * sizeof(uint32_t); newEntriesByteOffset += (16 - (newEntriesByteOffset & 15)) & 15; uint32_t newBufferByteSize = newEntriesByteOffset + newEntriesCapacity * sizeof(Entry); newBuffer = reinterpret_cast(PxAllocator::allocate(newBufferByteSize, __FILE__, __LINE__)); PX_ASSERT(newBuffer); newHash = reinterpret_cast(newBuffer + newHashByteOffset); newEntriesNext = reinterpret_cast(newBuffer + newEntriesNextBytesOffset); newEntries = reinterpret_cast(newBuffer + newEntriesByteOffset); } // initialize new hash table intrinsics::memSet(newHash, int32_t(EOL), newHashSize * sizeof(uint32_t)); // iterate over old entries, re-hash and create new entries if(resizeCompact) { // check that old free list is empty - we don't need to copy the next entries PX_ASSERT(compacting || mFreeList == EOL); for(uint32_t index = 0; index < mEntriesCount; ++index) { uint32_t h = hash(GetKey()(mEntries[index]), newHashSize); newEntriesNext[index] = newHash[h]; newHash[h] = index; PX_PLACEMENT_NEW(newEntries + index, Entry)(mEntries[index]); mEntries[index].~Entry(); } } else { // copy old free list, only required for non compact resizing intrinsics::memCopy(newEntriesNext, mEntriesNext, mEntriesCapacity * sizeof(uint32_t)); for(uint32_t bucket = 0; bucket < mHashSize; bucket++) { uint32_t index = mHash[bucket]; while(index != EOL) { uint32_t h = hash(GetKey()(mEntries[index]), newHashSize); newEntriesNext[index] = newHash[h]; PX_ASSERT(index != newHash[h]); newHash[h] = index; PX_PLACEMENT_NEW(newEntries + index, Entry)(mEntries[index]); mEntries[index].~Entry(); index = mEntriesNext[index]; } } } // swap buffer and pointers PxAllocator::deallocate(mBuffer); mBuffer = newBuffer; mHash = newHash; mHashSize = newHashSize; mEntriesNext = newEntriesNext; mEntries = newEntries; mEntriesCapacity = newEntriesCapacity; freeListAdd(oldEntriesCapacity, newEntriesCapacity); } void grow() { PX_ASSERT((mFreeList == EOL) || (compacting && (mEntriesCount == mEntriesCapacity))); uint32_t size = mHashSize == 0 ? 16 : mHashSize * 2; reserve(size); } uint8_t* mBuffer; Entry* mEntries; uint32_t* mEntriesNext; // same size as mEntries uint32_t* mHash; uint32_t mEntriesCapacity; uint32_t mHashSize; float mLoadFactor; uint32_t mFreeList; uint32_t mTimestamp; uint32_t mEntriesCount; // number of entries public: class Iter { public: PX_INLINE Iter(PxHashBase& b) : mBucket(0), mEntry(uint32_t(b.EOL)), mTimestamp(b.mTimestamp), mBase(b) { if(mBase.mEntriesCapacity > 0) { mEntry = mBase.mHash[0]; skip(); } } PX_INLINE void check() const { PX_ASSERT(mTimestamp == mBase.mTimestamp); } PX_INLINE const Entry& operator*() const { check(); return mBase.mEntries[mEntry]; } PX_INLINE Entry& operator*() { check(); return mBase.mEntries[mEntry]; } PX_INLINE const Entry* operator->() const { check(); return mBase.mEntries + mEntry; } PX_INLINE Entry* operator->() { check(); return mBase.mEntries + mEntry; } PX_INLINE Iter operator++() { check(); advance(); return *this; } PX_INLINE Iter operator++(int) { check(); Iter i = *this; advance(); return i; } PX_INLINE bool done() const { check(); return mEntry == mBase.EOL; } private: PX_INLINE void advance() { mEntry = mBase.mEntriesNext[mEntry]; skip(); } PX_INLINE void skip() { while(mEntry == mBase.EOL) { if(++mBucket == mBase.mHashSize) break; mEntry = mBase.mHash[mBucket]; } } Iter& operator=(const Iter&); uint32_t mBucket; uint32_t mEntry; uint32_t mTimestamp; PxHashBase& mBase; }; /*! Iterate over entries in a hash base and allow entry erase while iterating */ class PxEraseIterator { public: PX_INLINE PxEraseIterator(PxHashBase& b): mBase(b) { reset(); } PX_INLINE Entry* eraseCurrentGetNext(bool eraseCurrent) { if(eraseCurrent && mCurrentEntryIndexPtr) { mBase.eraseInternal(mCurrentEntryIndexPtr); // if next was valid return the same ptr, if next was EOL search new hash entry if(*mCurrentEntryIndexPtr != mBase.EOL) return mBase.mEntries + *mCurrentEntryIndexPtr; else return traverseHashEntries(); } // traverse mHash to find next entry if(mCurrentEntryIndexPtr == NULL) return traverseHashEntries(); const uint32_t index = *mCurrentEntryIndexPtr; if(mBase.mEntriesNext[index] == mBase.EOL) { return traverseHashEntries(); } else { mCurrentEntryIndexPtr = mBase.mEntriesNext + index; return mBase.mEntries + *mCurrentEntryIndexPtr; } } PX_INLINE void reset() { mCurrentHashIndex = 0; mCurrentEntryIndexPtr = NULL; } private: PX_INLINE Entry* traverseHashEntries() { mCurrentEntryIndexPtr = NULL; while (mCurrentEntryIndexPtr == NULL && mCurrentHashIndex < mBase.mHashSize) { if (mBase.mHash[mCurrentHashIndex] != mBase.EOL) { mCurrentEntryIndexPtr = mBase.mHash + mCurrentHashIndex; mCurrentHashIndex++; return mBase.mEntries + *mCurrentEntryIndexPtr; } else { mCurrentHashIndex++; } } return NULL; } PxEraseIterator& operator=(const PxEraseIterator&); private: uint32_t* mCurrentEntryIndexPtr; uint32_t mCurrentHashIndex; PxHashBase& mBase; }; }; template template PX_NOINLINE void PxHashBase::copy(const PxHashBase& other) { reserve(other.mEntriesCount); for(uint32_t i = 0; i < other.mEntriesCount; i++) { for(uint32_t j = other.mHash[i]; j != EOL; j = other.mEntriesNext[j]) { const Entry& otherEntry = other.mEntries[j]; bool exists; Entry* newEntry = create(GK()(otherEntry), exists); PX_ASSERT(!exists); PX_PLACEMENT_NEW(newEntry, Entry)(otherEntry); } } } template ::Type, bool Coalesced = false> class PxHashSetBase { PX_NOCOPY(PxHashSetBase) public: struct GetKey { PX_INLINE const Key& operator()(const Key& e) { return e; } }; typedef PxHashBase BaseMap; typedef typename BaseMap::Iter Iterator; PxHashSetBase(uint32_t initialTableSize, float loadFactor, const PxAllocator& alloc) : mBase(initialTableSize, loadFactor, alloc) { } PxHashSetBase(const PxAllocator& alloc) : mBase(64, 0.75f, alloc) { } PxHashSetBase(uint32_t initialTableSize = 64, float loadFactor = 0.75f) : mBase(initialTableSize, loadFactor) { } bool insert(const Key& k) { bool exists; Key* e = mBase.create(k, exists); if(!exists) PX_PLACEMENT_NEW(e, Key)(k); return !exists; } PX_INLINE bool contains(const Key& k) const { return mBase.find(k) != 0; } PX_INLINE bool erase(const Key& k) { return mBase.erase(k); } PX_INLINE uint32_t size() const { return mBase.size(); } PX_INLINE uint32_t capacity() const { return mBase.capacity(); } PX_INLINE void reserve(uint32_t size) { mBase.reserve(size); } PX_INLINE void clear() { mBase.clear(); } protected: BaseMap mBase; }; template >::Type> class PxHashMapBase { PX_NOCOPY(PxHashMapBase) public: typedef PxPair Entry; struct GetKey { PX_INLINE const Key& operator()(const Entry& e) { return e.first; } }; typedef PxHashBase BaseMap; typedef typename BaseMap::Iter Iterator; typedef typename BaseMap::PxEraseIterator EraseIterator; PxHashMapBase(uint32_t initialTableSize, float loadFactor, const PxAllocator& alloc) : mBase(initialTableSize, loadFactor, alloc) { } PxHashMapBase(const PxAllocator& alloc) : mBase(64, 0.75f, alloc) { } PxHashMapBase(uint32_t initialTableSize = 64, float loadFactor = 0.75f) : mBase(initialTableSize, loadFactor) { } bool insert(const Key /*&*/ k, const Value /*&*/ v) { bool exists; Entry* e = mBase.create(k, exists); if(!exists) PX_PLACEMENT_NEW(e, Entry)(k, v); return !exists; } Value& operator[](const Key& k) { bool exists; Entry* e = mBase.create(k, exists); if(!exists) PX_PLACEMENT_NEW(e, Entry)(k, Value()); return e->second; } PX_INLINE const Entry* find(const Key& k) const { return mBase.find(k); } PX_INLINE bool erase(const Key& k) { return mBase.erase(k); } PX_INLINE bool erase(const Key& k, Entry& e) { return mBase.erase(k, e); } PX_INLINE uint32_t size() const { return mBase.size(); } PX_INLINE uint32_t capacity() const { return mBase.capacity(); } PX_INLINE Iterator getIterator() { return Iterator(mBase); } PX_INLINE EraseIterator getEraseIterator() { return EraseIterator(mBase); } PX_INLINE void reserve(uint32_t size) { mBase.reserve(size); } PX_INLINE void clear() { mBase.clear(); } protected: BaseMap mBase; }; #if !PX_DOXYGEN } // namespace physx #endif #if PX_VC #pragma warning(pop) #endif #endif