2023-08-11 10:55:58 +08:00

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// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
// are met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// * Neither the name of NVIDIA CORPORATION nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
// from this software without specific prior written permission.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2023 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2008 AGEIA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2001-2004 NovodeX AG. All rights reserved.
#ifndef PX_COOKING_H
#define PX_COOKING_H
/** \addtogroup cooking
#include "common/PxPhysXCommonConfig.h"
#include "common/PxTolerancesScale.h"
#include "cooking/Pxc.h"
#include "cooking/PxConvexMeshDesc.h"
#include "cooking/PxTriangleMeshDesc.h"
#include "cooking/PxTetrahedronMeshDesc.h"
#include "cooking/PxMidphaseDesc.h"
#include "cooking/PxBVHDesc.h"
#include "geometry/PxTriangleMesh.h"
#include "geometry/PxTetrahedronMesh.h"
#include "geometry/PxBVH.h"
namespace physx
class PxInsertionCallback;
class PxFoundation;
class PxAllocatorCallback;
class PxHeightFieldDesc;
\brief Result from convex cooking.
struct PxConvexMeshCookingResult
enum Enum
\brief Convex mesh cooking succeeded.
\brief Convex mesh cooking failed, algorithm couldn't find 4 initial vertices without a small triangle.
@see PxCookingParams::areaTestEpsilon PxConvexFlag::eCHECK_ZERO_AREA_TRIANGLES
\brief Convex mesh cooking succeeded, but the algorithm has reached the 255 polygons limit.
The produced hull does not contain all input vertices. Try to simplify the input vertices
or try to use the eINFLATE_CONVEX or the eQUANTIZE_INPUT flags.
@see PxConvexFlag::eINFLATE_CONVEX PxConvexFlag::eQUANTIZE_INPUT
\brief Something unrecoverable happened. Check the error stream to find out what.
/** \brief Enumeration for convex mesh cooking algorithms. */
struct PxConvexMeshCookingType
enum Enum
\brief The Quickhull algorithm constructs the hull from the given input points. The resulting hull
will only contain a subset of the input points.
\brief Result from triangle mesh cooking
struct PxTriangleMeshCookingResult
enum Enum
\brief Everything is A-OK.
\brief a triangle is too large for well-conditioned results. Tessellate the mesh for better behavior, see the user guide section on cooking for more details.
\brief Something unrecoverable happened. Check the error stream to find out what.
\brief Enum for the set of mesh pre-processing parameters.
struct PxMeshPreprocessingFlag
enum Enum
\brief When set, mesh welding is performed. See PxCookingParams::meshWeldTolerance. Clean mesh must be enabled.
eWELD_VERTICES = 1 << 0,
\brief When set, mesh cleaning is disabled. This makes cooking faster.
When clean mesh is not performed, mesh welding is also not performed.
It is recommended to use only meshes that passed during validateTriangleMesh.
\brief When set, active edges are set for each triangle edge. This makes cooking faster but slow up contact generation.
\brief When set, 32-bit indices will always be created regardless of triangle count.
\note By default mesh will be created with 16-bit indices for triangle count <= 0xFFFF and 32-bit otherwise.
eFORCE_32BIT_INDICES = 1 << 3,
\brief When set, a list of triangles will be created for each associated vertex in the mesh
\brief When set, inertia tensor is calculated for the mesh
typedef PxFlags<PxMeshPreprocessingFlag::Enum,PxU32> PxMeshPreprocessingFlags;
\brief Structure describing parameters affecting mesh cooking.
@see PxSetCookingParams() PxGetCookingParams()
struct PxCookingParams
\brief Zero-size area epsilon used in convex hull computation.
If the area of a triangle of the hull is below this value, the triangle will be rejected. This test
is done only if PxConvexFlag::eCHECK_ZERO_AREA_TRIANGLES is used.
<b>Default value:</b> 0.06f*PxTolerancesScale.length*PxTolerancesScale.length
<b>Range:</b> (0.0f, PX_MAX_F32)
float areaTestEpsilon;
\brief Plane tolerance used in convex hull computation.
The value is used during hull construction. When a new point is about to be added to the hull it
gets dropped when the point is closer to the hull than the planeTolerance. The planeTolerance
is increased according to the hull size.
If 0.0f is set all points are accepted when the convex hull is created. This may lead to edge cases
where the new points may be merged into an existing polygon and the polygons plane equation might
slightly change therefore. This might lead to failures during polygon merging phase in the hull computation.
It is recommended to use the default value, however if it is required that all points needs to be
accepted or huge thin convexes are created, it might be required to lower the default value.
\note The plane tolerance is used only within PxConvexMeshCookingType::eQUICKHULL algorithm.
<b>Default value:</b> 0.0007f
<b>Range:</b> <0.0f, PX_MAX_F32)
float planeTolerance;
\brief Convex hull creation algorithm.
<b>Default value:</b> PxConvexMeshCookingType::eQUICKHULL
@see PxConvexMeshCookingType
PxConvexMeshCookingType::Enum convexMeshCookingType;
\brief When true, the face remap table is not created. This saves a significant amount of memory, but the SDK will
not be able to provide the remap information for internal mesh triangles returned by collisions,
sweeps or raycasts hits.
<b>Default value:</b> false
bool suppressTriangleMeshRemapTable;
\brief When true, the triangle adjacency information is created. You can get the adjacency triangles
for a given triangle from getTriangle.
<b>Default value:</b> false
bool buildTriangleAdjacencies;
\brief When true, addigional information required for GPU-accelerated rigid body simulation is created. This can increase memory usage and cooking times for convex meshes and triangle meshes.
<b>Default value:</b> false
bool buildGPUData;
\brief Tolerance scale is used to check if cooked triangles are not too huge. This check will help with simulation stability.
\note The PxTolerancesScale values have to match the values used when creating a PxPhysics or PxScene instance.
@see PxTolerancesScale
PxTolerancesScale scale;
\brief Mesh pre-processing parameters. Used to control options like whether the mesh cooking performs vertex welding before cooking.
<b>Default value:</b> 0
PxMeshPreprocessingFlags meshPreprocessParams;
\brief Mesh weld tolerance. If mesh welding is enabled, this controls the distance at which vertices are welded.
If mesh welding is not enabled, this value defines the acceptance distance for mesh validation. Provided no two vertices are within this distance, the mesh is considered to be
clean. If not, a warning will be emitted. Having a clean, welded mesh is required to achieve the best possible performance.
The default vertex welding uses a snap-to-grid approach. This approach effectively truncates each vertex to integer values using meshWeldTolerance.
Once these snapped vertices are produced, all vertices that snap to a given vertex on the grid are remapped to reference a single vertex. Following this,
all triangles' indices are remapped to reference this subset of clean vertices. It should be noted that the vertices that we do not alter the
position of the vertices; the snap-to-grid is only performed to identify nearby vertices.
The mesh validation approach also uses the same snap-to-grid approach to identify nearby vertices. If more than one vertex snaps to a given grid coordinate,
we ensure that the distance between the vertices is at least meshWeldTolerance. If this is not the case, a warning is emitted.
<b>Default value:</b> 0.0
PxReal meshWeldTolerance;
\brief Controls the desired midphase desc structure for triangle meshes.
@see PxBVH33MidphaseDesc, PxBVH34MidphaseDesc, PxMidphaseDesc
<b>Default value:</b> PxMeshMidPhase::eBVH34
PxMidphaseDesc midphaseDesc;
\brief Vertex limit beyond which additional acceleration structures are computed for each convex mesh. Increase that limit to reduce memory usage.
Computing the extra structures all the time does not guarantee optimal performance. There is a per-platform break-even point below which the
extra structures actually hurt performance.
<b>Default value:</b> 32
PxU32 gaussMapLimit;
\brief Maximum mass ratio allowed on vertices touched by a single tet. If a any tetrahedron exceeds the mass ratio, the masses will get smoothed locally
until the maximum mass ratio is matched. Value should not be below 1. Smoothing might not fully converge for values <1.5. The smaller the maximum
allowed ratio, the better the stability during simulation.
<b>Default value:</b> FLT_MAX
PxReal maxWeightRatioInTet;
PxCookingParams(const PxTolerancesScale& sc):
areaTestEpsilon (0.06f*sc.length*sc.length),
planeTolerance (0.0007f),
convexMeshCookingType (PxConvexMeshCookingType::eQUICKHULL),
suppressTriangleMeshRemapTable (false),
buildTriangleAdjacencies (false),
buildGPUData (false),
scale (sc),
meshPreprocessParams (0),
meshWeldTolerance (0.f),
gaussMapLimit (32),
maxWeightRatioInTet (FLT_MAX)
} // namespace physx
// Immediate cooking
\brief Gets standalone object insertion interface.
This interface allows the creation of standalone objects that can exist without a PxPhysics or PxScene object.
@see PxCreateTriangleMesh PxCreateHeightfield PxCreateTetrahedronMesh PxCreateBVH
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API physx::PxInsertionCallback* PxGetStandaloneInsertionCallback();
// ==== BVH ====
\brief Cooks a bounding volume hierarchy. The results are written to the stream.
PxCookBVH() allows a BVH description to be cooked into a binary stream
suitable for loading and performing BVH detection at runtime.
\param[in] desc The BVH descriptor.
\param[in] stream User stream to output the cooked data.
\return true on success.
@see PxBVH PxRigidActorExt::getRigidActorShapeLocalBoundsList
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API bool PxCookBVH(const physx::PxBVHDesc& desc, physx::PxOutputStream& stream);
\brief Cooks and creates a bounding volume hierarchy without going through a stream.
\note This method does the same as PxCookBVH, but the produced BVH is not stored
into a stream but is either directly inserted in PxPhysics, or created as a standalone
object. Use this method if you are unable to cook offline.
\note PxInsertionCallback can be obtained through PxPhysics::getPhysicsInsertionCallback()
or PxGetStandaloneInsertionCallback().
\param[in] desc The BVH descriptor.
\param[in] insertionCallback The insertion interface.
\return PxBVH pointer on success
@see PxCookBVH() PxInsertionCallback
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API physx::PxBVH* PxCreateBVH(const physx::PxBVHDesc& desc, physx::PxInsertionCallback& insertionCallback);
\brief Cooks and creates a bounding volume hierarchy without going through a stream. Convenience function for standalone objects.
\note This method does the same as PxCookBVH, but the produced BVH is not stored
into a stream but is either directly inserted in PxPhysics, or created as a standalone
object. Use this method if you are unable to cook offline.
\param[in] desc The BVH descriptor.
\return PxBVH pointer on success
@see PxCookBVH() PxInsertionCallback
PX_FORCE_INLINE physx::PxBVH* PxCreateBVH(const physx::PxBVHDesc& desc)
return PxCreateBVH(desc, *PxGetStandaloneInsertionCallback());
// ==== Heightfield ====
\brief Cooks a heightfield. The results are written to the stream.
To create a heightfield object there is an option to precompute some of calculations done while loading the heightfield data.
PxCookHeightField() allows a heightfield description to be cooked into a binary stream
suitable for loading and performing collision detection at runtime.
\param[in] desc The heightfield descriptor to read the HF from.
\param[in] stream User stream to output the cooked data.
\return true on success
@see PxPhysics.createHeightField()
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API bool PxCookHeightField(const physx::PxHeightFieldDesc& desc, physx::PxOutputStream& stream);
\brief Cooks and creates a heightfield mesh and inserts it into PxPhysics.
\param[in] desc The heightfield descriptor to read the HF from.
\param[in] insertionCallback The insertion interface from PxPhysics.
\return PxHeightField pointer on success
@see PxCookHeightField() PxPhysics.createHeightField() PxInsertionCallback
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API physx::PxHeightField* PxCreateHeightField(const physx::PxHeightFieldDesc& desc, physx::PxInsertionCallback& insertionCallback);
\brief Cooks and creates a heightfield mesh and inserts it into PxPhysics. Convenience function for standalone objects.
\param[in] desc The heightfield descriptor to read the HF from.
\return PxHeightField pointer on success
@see PxCookHeightField() PxPhysics.createHeightField() PxInsertionCallback
PX_FORCE_INLINE physx::PxHeightField* PxCreateHeightField(const physx::PxHeightFieldDesc& desc)
return PxCreateHeightField(desc, *PxGetStandaloneInsertionCallback());
// ==== Convex meshes ====
\brief Cooks a convex mesh. The results are written to the stream.
To create a triangle mesh object it is necessary to first 'cook' the mesh data into
a form which allows the SDK to perform efficient collision detection.
PxCookConvexMesh() allows a mesh description to be cooked into a binary stream
suitable for loading and performing collision detection at runtime.
\note The number of vertices and the number of convex polygons in a cooked convex mesh is limited to 255.
\note If those limits are exceeded in either the user-provided data or the final cooked mesh, an error is reported.
\param[in] params The cooking parameters
\param[in] desc The convex mesh descriptor to read the mesh from.
\param[in] stream User stream to output the cooked data.
\param[out] condition Result from convex mesh cooking.
\return true on success.
@see PxCookTriangleMesh() PxConvexMeshCookingResult::Enum
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API bool PxCookConvexMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams& params, const physx::PxConvexMeshDesc& desc, physx::PxOutputStream& stream, physx::PxConvexMeshCookingResult::Enum* condition=NULL);
\brief Cooks and creates a convex mesh without going through a stream.
\note This method does the same as PxCookConvexMesh, but the produced mesh is not stored
into a stream but is either directly inserted in PxPhysics, or created as a standalone
object. Use this method if you are unable to cook offline.
\note PxInsertionCallback can be obtained through PxPhysics::getPhysicsInsertionCallback()
or PxGetStandaloneInsertionCallback().
\param[in] params The cooking parameters
\param[in] desc The convex mesh descriptor to read the mesh from.
\param[in] insertionCallback The insertion interface from PxPhysics.
\param[out] condition Result from convex mesh cooking.
\return PxConvexMesh pointer on success
@see PxCookConvexMesh() PxInsertionCallback
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API physx::PxConvexMesh* PxCreateConvexMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams& params, const physx::PxConvexMeshDesc& desc, physx::PxInsertionCallback& insertionCallback, physx::PxConvexMeshCookingResult::Enum* condition=NULL);
\brief Cooks and creates a convex mesh without going through a stream. Convenience function for standalone objects.
\note This method does the same as cookConvexMesh, but the produced mesh is not stored
into a stream but is either directly inserted in PxPhysics, or created as a standalone
object. Use this method if you are unable to cook offline.
\param[in] params The cooking parameters
\param[in] desc The convex mesh descriptor to read the mesh from.
\return PxConvexMesh pointer on success
@see PxCookConvexMesh() PxInsertionCallback
PX_FORCE_INLINE physx::PxConvexMesh* PxCreateConvexMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams& params, const physx::PxConvexMeshDesc& desc)
return PxCreateConvexMesh(params, desc, *PxGetStandaloneInsertionCallback());
\brief Verifies if the convex mesh is valid. Prints an error message for each inconsistency found.
The convex mesh descriptor must contain an already created convex mesh - the vertices, indices and polygons must be provided.
\note This function should be used if PxConvexFlag::eDISABLE_MESH_VALIDATION is planned to be used in release builds.
\param[in] params The cooking parameters
\param[in] desc The convex mesh descriptor to read the mesh from.
\return true if all the validity conditions hold, false otherwise.
@see PxCookConvexMesh()
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API bool PxValidateConvexMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams& params, const physx::PxConvexMeshDesc& desc);
\brief Compute hull polygons from given vertices and triangles. Polygons are needed for PxConvexMeshDesc rather than triangles.
Please note that the resulting polygons may have different number of vertices. Some vertices may be removed.
The output vertices, indices and polygons must be used to construct a hull.
The provided PxAllocatorCallback does allocate the out arrays. It is the user responsibility to deallocated those arrays.
\param[in] params The cooking parameters
\param[in] mesh Simple triangle mesh containing vertices and triangles used to compute polygons.
\param[in] inCallback Memory allocator for out array allocations.
\param[out] nbVerts Number of vertices used by polygons.
\param[out] vertices Vertices array used by polygons.
\param[out] nbIndices Number of indices used by polygons.
\param[out] indices Indices array used by polygons.
\param[out] nbPolygons Number of created polygons.
\param[out] hullPolygons Polygons array.
\return true on success
@see PxCookConvexMesh() PxConvexFlags PxConvexMeshDesc PxSimpleTriangleMesh
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API bool PxComputeHullPolygons(const physx::PxCookingParams& params, const physx::PxSimpleTriangleMesh& mesh, physx::PxAllocatorCallback& inCallback, physx::PxU32& nbVerts, physx::PxVec3*& vertices,
physx::PxU32& nbIndices, physx::PxU32*& indices, physx::PxU32& nbPolygons, physx::PxHullPolygon*& hullPolygons);
// ==== Triangle meshes ====
\brief Verifies if the triangle mesh is valid. Prints an error message for each inconsistency found.
The following conditions are true for a valid triangle mesh:
1. There are no duplicate vertices (within specified vertexWeldTolerance. See PxCookingParams::meshWeldTolerance)
2. There are no large triangles (within specified PxTolerancesScale.)
\param[in] params The cooking parameters
\param[in] desc The triangle mesh descriptor to read the mesh from.
\return true if all the validity conditions hold, false otherwise.
@see PxCookTriangleMesh()
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API bool PxValidateTriangleMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams& params, const physx::PxTriangleMeshDesc& desc);
\brief Cooks a triangle mesh. The results are written to the stream.
To create a triangle mesh object it is necessary to first 'cook' the mesh data into
a form which allows the SDK to perform efficient collision detection.
PxCookTriangleMesh() allows a mesh description to be cooked into a binary stream
suitable for loading and performing collision detection at runtime.
\param[in] params The cooking parameters
\param[in] desc The triangle mesh descriptor to read the mesh from.
\param[in] stream User stream to output the cooked data.
\param[out] condition Result from triangle mesh cooking.
\return true on success
@see PxCookConvexMesh() PxPhysics.createTriangleMesh() PxTriangleMeshCookingResult::Enum
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API bool PxCookTriangleMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams& params, const physx::PxTriangleMeshDesc& desc, physx::PxOutputStream& stream, physx::PxTriangleMeshCookingResult::Enum* condition=NULL);
\brief Cooks and creates a triangle mesh without going through a stream.
\note This method does the same as PxCookTriangleMesh, but the produced mesh is not stored
into a stream but is either directly inserted in PxPhysics, or created as a standalone
object. Use this method if you are unable to cook offline.
\note PxInsertionCallback can be obtained through PxPhysics::getPhysicsInsertionCallback()
or PxGetStandaloneInsertionCallback().
\param[in] params The cooking parameters
\param[in] desc The triangle mesh descriptor to read the mesh from.
\param[in] insertionCallback The insertion interface from PxPhysics.
\param[out] condition Result from triangle mesh cooking.
\return PxTriangleMesh pointer on success.
@see PxCookTriangleMesh() PxPhysics.createTriangleMesh() PxInsertionCallback
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API physx::PxTriangleMesh* PxCreateTriangleMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams& params, const physx::PxTriangleMeshDesc& desc, physx::PxInsertionCallback& insertionCallback, physx::PxTriangleMeshCookingResult::Enum* condition=NULL);
\brief Cooks and creates a triangle mesh without going through a stream. Convenience function for standalone objects.
\note This method does the same as cookTriangleMesh, but the produced mesh is not stored
into a stream but is either directly inserted in PxPhysics, or created as a standalone
object. Use this method if you are unable to cook offline.
\return PxTriangleMesh pointer on success.
\param[in] params The cooking parameters
\param[in] desc The triangle mesh descriptor to read the mesh from.
@see PxCookTriangleMesh() PxPhysics.createTriangleMesh() PxInsertionCallback
PX_FORCE_INLINE physx::PxTriangleMesh* PxCreateTriangleMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams& params, const physx::PxTriangleMeshDesc& desc)
return PxCreateTriangleMesh(params, desc, *PxGetStandaloneInsertionCallback());
// ==== Tetrahedron & soft body meshes ====
\brief Cooks a tetrahedron mesh. The results are written to the stream.
To create a tetrahedron mesh object it is necessary to first 'cook' the mesh data into
a form which allows the SDK to perform efficient collision detection.
PxCookTetrahedronMesh() allows a mesh description to be cooked into a binary stream
suitable for loading and performing collision detection at runtime.
\param[in] params The cooking parameters
\param[in] meshDesc The tetrahedron mesh descriptor to read the mesh from.
\param[in] stream User stream to output the cooked data.
\return true on success
@see PxCookConvexMesh() PxPhysics.createTetrahedronMesh()
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API bool PxCookTetrahedronMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams& params, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshDesc& meshDesc, physx::PxOutputStream& stream);
\brief Cooks and creates a tetrahedron mesh without going through a stream.
\note This method does the same as PxCookTetrahedronMesh, but the produced mesh is not stored
into a stream but is either directly inserted in PxPhysics, or created as a standalone
object. Use this method if you are unable to cook offline.
\note PxInsertionCallback can be obtained through PxPhysics::getPhysicsInsertionCallback()
or PxGetStandaloneInsertionCallback().
\param[in] params The cooking parameters
\param[in] meshDesc The tetrahedron mesh descriptor to read the mesh from.
\param[in] insertionCallback The insertion interface from PxPhysics.
\return PxTetrahedronMesh pointer on success.
@see PxCookTetrahedronMesh() PxInsertionCallback
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API physx::PxTetrahedronMesh* PxCreateTetrahedronMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams& params, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshDesc& meshDesc, physx::PxInsertionCallback& insertionCallback);
\brief Cooks and creates a tetrahedron mesh without going through a stream. Convenience function for standalone objects.
\note This method does the same as PxCookTetrahedronMesh, but the produced mesh is not stored
into a stream but is either directly inserted in PxPhysics, or created as a standalone
object. Use this method if you are unable to cook offline.
\param[in] params The cooking parameters
\param[in] meshDesc The tetrahedron mesh descriptor to read the mesh from.
\return PxTetrahedronMesh pointer on success.
@see PxCookTetrahedronMesh() PxInsertionCallback
PX_FORCE_INLINE physx::PxTetrahedronMesh* PxCreateTetrahedronMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams& params, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshDesc& meshDesc)
return PxCreateTetrahedronMesh(params, meshDesc, *PxGetStandaloneInsertionCallback());
\brief Cooks a softbody mesh. The results are written to the stream.
To create a softbody mesh object it is necessary to first 'cook' the mesh data into
a form which allows the SDK to perform efficient collision detection and to store data
used during the FEM calculations.
PxCookSoftBodyMesh() allows a mesh description to be cooked into a binary stream
suitable for loading and performing collision detection at runtime.
\param[in] params The cooking parameters
\param[in] simulationMeshDesc The tetrahedron mesh descriptor to read the simulation mesh from.
\param[in] collisionMeshDesc The tetrahedron mesh descriptor to read the collision mesh from.
\param[in] softbodyDataDesc The softbody data descriptor to read mapping information from.
\param[in] stream User stream to output the cooked data.
\return true on success
@see PxCookConvexMesh() PxPhysics.createTriangleMesh() PxTriangleMeshCookingResult::Enum
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API bool PxCookSoftBodyMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams& params, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshDesc& simulationMeshDesc, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshDesc& collisionMeshDesc,
const physx::PxSoftBodySimulationDataDesc& softbodyDataDesc, physx::PxOutputStream& stream);
\brief Cooks and creates a softbody mesh without going through a stream.
\note This method does the same as PxCookSoftBodyMesh, but the produced mesh is not stored
into a stream but is either directly inserted in PxPhysics, or created as a standalone
object. Use this method if you are unable to cook offline.
\note PxInsertionCallback can be obtained through PxPhysics::getPhysicsInsertionCallback()
or PxGetStandaloneInsertionCallback().
\param[in] params The cooking parameters
\param[in] simulationMeshDesc The tetrahedron mesh descriptor to read the simulation mesh from.
\param[in] collisionMeshDesc The tetrahedron mesh descriptor to read the collision mesh from.
\param[in] softbodyDataDesc The softbody data descriptor to read mapping information from.
\param[in] insertionCallback The insertion interface from PxPhysics.
\return PxSoftBodyMesh pointer on success.
@see PxCookTriangleMesh() PxPhysics.createTriangleMesh() PxInsertionCallback
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API physx::PxSoftBodyMesh* PxCreateSoftBodyMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams& params, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshDesc& simulationMeshDesc, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshDesc& collisionMeshDesc,
const physx::PxSoftBodySimulationDataDesc& softbodyDataDesc, physx::PxInsertionCallback& insertionCallback);
\brief Cooks and creates a softbody mesh without going through a stream. Convenience function for standalone objects.
\note This method does the same as PxCookSoftBodyMesh, but the produced mesh is not stored
into a stream but is either directly inserted in PxPhysics, or created as a standalone
object. Use this method if you are unable to cook offline.
\param[in] params The cooking parameters
\param[in] simulationMeshDesc The tetrahedron mesh descriptor to read the simulation mesh from.
\param[in] collisionMeshDesc The tetrahedron mesh descriptor to read the collision mesh from.
\param[in] softbodyDataDesc The softbody data descriptor to read mapping information from.
\return PxSoftBodyMesh pointer on success.
@see PxCookTriangleMesh() PxPhysics.createTriangleMesh() PxInsertionCallback
PX_FORCE_INLINE physx::PxSoftBodyMesh* PxCreateSoftBodyMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams& params, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshDesc& simulationMeshDesc, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshDesc& collisionMeshDesc,
const physx::PxSoftBodySimulationDataDesc& softbodyDataDesc)
return PxCreateSoftBodyMesh(params, simulationMeshDesc, collisionMeshDesc, softbodyDataDesc, *PxGetStandaloneInsertionCallback());
\brief Computes the mapping between collision and simulation mesh
The softbody deformation is computed on the simulation mesh. To deform the collision mesh accordingly
it needs to be specified how its vertices need to be placed and updated inside the deformation mesh.
This method computes that embedding information.
\param[in] params The cooking parameters
\param[in] simulationMesh A tetrahedral mesh that defines the shape of the simulation mesh which is used to compute the body's deformation
\param[in] collisionMesh A tetrahedral mesh that defines the shape of the collision mesh which is used for collision detection
\param[in] collisionData A data container that contains acceleration structures and surface information of the collision mesh
\param[in] vertexToTet Optional indices (array of integers) that specifies the index of the tetrahedron in the simulation mesh that
contains a collision mesh vertex. If not provided, the embedding will be computed internally. If the simulation mesh is obtained from
PxTetMaker::createVoxelTetrahedronMesh, then the vertexToTet map createVoxelTetrahedronMesh returned should be used here.
\return PxCollisionMeshMappingData pointer that describes how the collision mesh is embedded into the simulation mesh
@see PxTetMaker::createVoxelTetrahedronMesh
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API physx::PxCollisionMeshMappingData* PxComputeModelsMapping(const physx::PxCookingParams& params, physx::PxTetrahedronMeshData& simulationMesh, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshData& collisionMesh,
const physx::PxSoftBodyCollisionData& collisionData, const physx::PxBoundedData* vertexToTet = NULL);
\brief Computes data to accelerate collision detection of tetrahedral meshes
Computes data structures to speed up collision detection with tetrahedral meshes.
\param[in] params The cooking parameters
\param[in] collisionMeshDesc Raw tetrahedral mesh descriptor wich will be used for collision detection
\return PxCollisionTetrahedronMeshData pointer that describes the collision mesh
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API physx::PxCollisionTetrahedronMeshData* PxComputeCollisionData(const physx::PxCookingParams& params, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshDesc& collisionMeshDesc);
\brief Computes data to accelerate collision detection of tetrahedral meshes
Computes data to compute and store a softbody's deformation using FEM.
\param[in] params The cooking parameters
\param[in] simulationMeshDesc Raw tetrahedral mesh descriptor wich will be used for FEM simulation
\return PxSimulationTetrahedronMeshData pointer that describes the simulation mesh
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API physx::PxSimulationTetrahedronMeshData* PxComputeSimulationData(const physx::PxCookingParams& params, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshDesc& simulationMeshDesc);
\brief Bundles all data required for softbody simulation
Creates a container that provides everything to create a PxSoftBody
\param[in] simulationMesh The geometry (tetrahedral mesh) to be used as simulation mesh
\param[in] simulationData Additional non-tetmesh data that contains mass information etc. for the simulation mesh
\param[in] collisionMesh The geometry (tetrahedral mesh) to be used for collision detection
\param[in] collisionData Additional non-tetmesh data that contains surface information, acceleration structures etc. for the simulation mesh
\param[in] mappingData Mapping that describes how the collision mesh's vertices are embedded into the simulation mesh
\param[in] insertionCallback The insertion interface from PxPhysics.
\return PxSoftBodyMesh pointer that represents a softbody mesh bundling all data (simulation mesh, collision mesh etc.)
@see PxSoftBody createSoftBody()
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API physx::PxSoftBodyMesh* PxAssembleSoftBodyMesh(physx::PxTetrahedronMeshData& simulationMesh, physx::PxSoftBodySimulationData& simulationData, physx::PxTetrahedronMeshData& collisionMesh,
physx::PxSoftBodyCollisionData& collisionData, physx::PxCollisionMeshMappingData& mappingData, physx::PxInsertionCallback& insertionCallback);
\brief Bundles all data required for softbody simulation
Creates a container that provides everything to create a PxSoftBody
\param[in] simulationMesh Container that provides all information about the simulation mesh (geometry, mass distribution etc.)
\param[in] collisionMesh Container that provides all information about the collision mesh (geometry, surface information, acceleration structures etc.)
\param[in] mappingData Mapping that describes how the collision mesh's vertices are embedded into the simulation mesh
\param[in] insertionCallback The insertion interface from PxPhysics.
\return PxSoftBodyMesh pointer that represents a softbody mesh bundling all data (simulation mesh, collision mesh etc.)
@see PxSoftBody createSoftBody()
PX_C_EXPORT PX_PHYSX_COOKING_API physx::PxSoftBodyMesh* PxAssembleSoftBodyMesh_Sim(physx::PxSimulationTetrahedronMeshData& simulationMesh, physx::PxCollisionTetrahedronMeshData& collisionMesh,
physx::PxCollisionMeshMappingData& mappingData, physx::PxInsertionCallback& insertionCallback);
/** @} */